Monday, March 17, 2014

Challis: Part 1

I sat back in my chair as I wrapped my blanket tighter around my shoulders and my arms.  My eyes were tired from staring at my computer all morning as I poked at numbers, trying to make sense of them.  Trying to find a pattern.  It was there, I just hadn't found it yet.  It was a Saturday morning, and usually I'd be out recreating instead of working, but today the winter weather kept me inside.

It was snowing outside, still.  It had started lightly last night before I crawled into bed, but this morning, all memories of yesterdays tracks were erased under a fresh blanket of white powder.  Now that daylight had finally broken free of the night, it was still snowing, with no signs of giving up.

I grabbed my mug filled with warm apple cinnamon tea and let it's warmth run up over my face.  The mug was warm to the touch and brought about a sensation of "coming back to life" to my cold fingers.  I breathed in the cinnamon and other spices until my nose tingled.  As I went to take a sip, my huskie shepard mix, Challis, pushed the door to my office open and pranced my way.  I sat my cup down and stared at him.  He had a certain bounce to his feet this morning.  He was happy.  He was always happy.  But today he seemed especially happy.

He walked towards me with a gentle expression in his eyes.  I smiled as he effortlessly plopped his head in my lap, nuzzling his nose up under my hand, forcing a head pat.  I took a quick sip of my tea before rubbing his ears vigorously.  Despite my recent life changes, Challis was a constant in my life who I couldn't have loved more.  He knew when I was happy.  He knew when I was sad.  And he knew when I needed a dog obnoxiously in my lap for a distraction from my work.  My numbers that didn't quite seem to fit together yet could wait.  For the time being, I rubbed Challis, kissed him on the top of his head, and silently thanked him for being there when I needed him most.  I didn't need to say it out loud.  In his eyes and his body language, I heard him say you're welcome.

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